Saturday, March 23, 2013

Happy Saturday to you all!  A huge difference since Tuesday!  I saw the doctor at the Pain Clinic here and I'm now being treated for my Chronic Pancratitus and my Fibromyalgia!  WooHoo, God answers prayer in the most mysterious ways!!!  I'm a happy camper walking on cloud 9 now!

I get a pain patch to wear on my belly, and the doctor is going to start injection therapy after he gets the results back from my MRI.  Also, he upped the doses for my Neurontin and Flexeril which will help tremendously!  Something about a tens unit also.

He, the doctor is also hooking me up with the hospital dietition to get me situated in what's safe to eat and shouldn't eat between my diabetes and pancreatitus.  I've been waiting on this one for a long time!

So life doesn't seem so down anymore!  And with this, and soon to be warmer weather, I'm going to start back to Church well, just as soon as I get some clothes that fit.  Yeah,  Since this all started, I've gone from 275 down to 149 pounds and absolutely nothing I have fits anymore!  I need to tie knots in some things, and wear suspenders for other things, so on, yada, yada. rofl

Check the critter page, I'm adding some new piccies of the phurbabes.  Love my boys and my girl, they are my Special Babes!

Ewww what's happened to Spring????  Here ya go...


Enjoy your weekend!


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